Saturday, December 29, 2018

Add Less to your Resolution this Year!

Over the past few years, I have written about New Year’s resolution and even one word resolutions. See Here, Here, and Here. Each year I identify things about my current work and in my personal life that I want to improve and rather than adopt a long resolution that stands little chance of attaining, let alone remembering, I resolve myself to commit to one word.

The reason is simple. First, it’s easy to remember and second it encompasses all that I want to achieve in my health, work, relationships, and most importantly faith.   So this year, I am proud to announce my one word resolution for 2019. 

The reason for the word, less, is because I want to add more  meaning to my life. Here are just a few examples of what I mean 
  • I want to say less, but communicate more effectively. 
  • I want to worry less about problems, and focus more on solutions. 
  • I want to be less connected, so I can be more connected to my family. 
  • I want less tasks and more meaningful work. 
  • I want to eat less, and exercise more. 
  • I want to read less mindless mess on social media, so I can read more of God’s word. 
  • I want to engage less in low-impact work, so I can be more dedicated to thought about things that are high-impact. 
These are just a few things that I hope to accomplish in 2019. Chances are that I won’t accomplish them all, but I truly believe that my life will inch closer to less unproductive time-wasters and more efficacy. As you head into 2019, reflect on your work-life balance. Identify the waste, redundancy, and monotony in your life.  Set your sights on a better you, and find that one word that’ll keep you committed to reaching your goal of continuous improvement. 

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